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When we use various pranayama practices, we are expanding and increasing our prana (also called life force energy). Without proper cultivation of our prana, we may feel tired, stressed, burned out, anxious, sick, and depressed. When working with the breath in specific ways, you can decrease stagnation, disease and mental distress in the body and experience increased health and vitality every day.
1. Sun & Moon Nadis Breath Channels
2. Kundalini Emergencies
3. Getting To The Root with Mulabhanda
4. Whistling For Health
5. Rebalance Through The Breath
6. Breathe Into The Divine Flow Of 6
7. The Healing Power Of The Praanic Center
8. Balance The Mind
9. Anti-Depression Brain Synchrony
10. Stroke Breath Techniques to Gently Massage the Brain
11. Breathing Into Life
You have a unique creative frequency. These series of videos provide guidance and awakening of your natural creative mind and intelligence. Using Kundalini technology, you will be clearly and methodically guided to awaken the chakra system through activation of Kundalini energy.
1. Absorption Into The Crystalized Self
2. Healthy and Wise
3. Blossom Into Your Full Potential
4. Celestial Communication For Inner and Outer Beauty
5. Self-Reliance
6. Clear The Channels & Access The DNA Of Kundalini
7. Your Own Infinity: Accessing the Source of Strength in You
8. Connect to Your Lightness of Being
9. 11:11 Manifestation Expansion
10. Open The Energy Channels
11. 11th Day of the Moon-Abundantly Elevated Energy
To heal the emotional wounds of the heart, we need to bring calm and Pranic vitality to the nerves that hold the wound. A break in the relay of relationship (to others or to our Self) has almost identical reactions in the nervous system and brain as a physical injury or loss of limb. Kundalini Yoga is designed to strengthen your heart center, rebuild neural pathways for nerve strength and resilience all while healing heart wounds. Healing is stronger than curing!
1. Labor of Love
2. Power to the Heart
3. Heart of Gold
4. Shine Your Heart Light
5. Balancing Heart & Mind
6. Healing of the Heart
7. Living with a Whole Heart
8. Knowledge of the Hidden Lotus
9. Drop the Cargo of Fear
10. Withstand the Pressure of Times
11. Open Lotus of the Heart
Kundalini yoga is designed to help you realign with your inherent vibrant health and assists in releasing what no longer serves you. Movement through kriya, breath and mantra are time-tested approaches clinically demonstrated to be effective in helping you reconnect with your body, mind, and spirit.
1. Self-Regulation for Beauty
2. Boundless Strength
3. From Fear & Avoidance to Centered Presence & Action
4. Tune Into Your Aura For Positive Attraction
5. Get Your Glow On
6. Strengthen Your Inner Light
7. Dealing with Your Own Mind
8. Meditate on the Self
9. Tershula Kriya Activate Your Self-Healing Process
10. Relaxed Perseverance
11. Neutralize Tension & Relax
Kundalini Yoga raises sexual energy to the higher chakras, transforming it into spiritual energy and preparing us for higher levels of consciousness, as well as for a healthy, balanced, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and sexual life.
1. Bowing Before The Creative Infinite
2. Beauty Is The Life Current Of Your Heart
3. Touch Your Inner Feelings
4. Live Like A GOD
5. Strengthen Your Radiance
6. All The World Is Us And We Are All The World
7. Fall Into the Beauty of You
8. Becoming Crystal Clear
9. Beauty Codes of a Green Aura Light Field
10. Opening to Go
11. Live the Big Picture
Sadhana means daily spiritual practice and it is the foundation of all spiritual endeavors. Sadhana is your personal, individual spiritual effort, the main tool you use to work on yourself to achieve the purpose of life. Before you face the world each day, do yourself a favor and tune up your nervous system and attune yourself to your highest inner self.
1. Stoke Your Inner Fire
2. Surrender Into Stillness
3. I AM All That I Seek
4. Freedom Is Your Birthright
5. Brighten Your Radiance
6. Go In Beauty
7. Light Dispels Darkness
8. Smile Like A Buddha
9. Venus Meditation Codes for Burnout & Mega Information Overload
10. Intuition to Communication
11. Strengthening Heaven & Earth Within You
Yoga Nidra is an incredible practice for managing your stress. Some benefits include insomnia relief, clears traumatic imprints, enhances creativity, and rejuvenates body and mind. It is known as the yoga of deep sleep, but you don't sleep, you go into this self-hypnotic, deep meditative state of consciousness.