Aquarian Sadhana for Peace on Earth
Aquarian Sadhana for Peace on Earth
with Ram Ravi & Aamaanraa
4:00am – 6:30am
By suggested donation $15, $20, $25 for in person, $22 online
At The Kundalini Sanctuary, we invite you to experience a profound gathering for the Aquarian Sadhana for Peace on Earth. During the sacred ambrosial hours of the morning, we will come together to practice yoga, chant, and embrace the spirit of rejuvenation and renewal.
This sacred space is not just about self-evaluation and personal growth; it’s about honoring the journey we share and the love that binds us. As we unite in this collective prayer for peace, we cultivate a deeper connection to ourselves and to the world around us.
We have so much to be grateful for, we invite you to share in our joy and intention for healing. After our practice, we’ll share a nourishing breakfast together, fostering community and connection.
In the spirit of giving, a percentage of the proceeds from this gathering will support Serving Love Las Vegas, a dedicated volunteer-run program committed to assisting the homeless with food and care. Your participation helps extend our collective compassion to those in need.
Join us in this sacred journey. Sat Nam 🙏
Livestream Bookings: After completing your purchase, you will receive a private link via text or email to join the event within 24 hours of the event start time! Sat Nam!