A Message From Mandeep

I began my training with Kundalini Yoga in 2007 with teachers who had studied directly with Yogi Bhajan. I personally never met Yogi Bhajan as when this lineage came to me, he had already passed in 2004. Regardless I have always been respectful of his significance as being the source for this powerful Tantric Yogic Lineage brought to the West, breaking all previous traditions of how these teachings were to be shared. I acknowledge this aspect of how these teachings came into my life, initially through him to me, a Western Woman. I also acknowledge with great awe and reverence that the depth of Kundalini Yoga is a living tradition that transcends one individual, meaning the wisdom and power of these practices are not the product of any single person.

These teachings have very ancient roots that have been passed down and refined generation through generation. They are present now as a transformative power that have been validated by both modern science and centuries of practice. As a Guardian of sacred space and in the Dharma of being a Spiritual Teacher I support each of us within this collective evolution and recognize fully the importance of no longer relying on the old paradigm of elevating one figure.

I am committed to creating a new path that fosters inclusivity, accountability, and respect for each of us as practitioner’s experiencing our unique journeys together grounded in the integrity of these powerful teachings. We are all the Guru AND the Student. Just Be You. This is a vehicle for revealing your Authenticity as a Spiritual Being of Direct Divine Consciousness in Human Form.

I personally have experienced great healing in my personal family lineage, my ancestral lineage with an elevation of confidence and clarity, and find this path is supporting my aging process in a way that I really am continuously delighted with! I have no intention of releasing my practice, which evolves every couple of years by the way, into supporting my growth and journey of where I am in my life and what is needed to live my life with as much intuitive visionary grace as possible.

I am at your service to be your guide with love, compassion, grit, and integrity. Together we can move forward in alignment with every part of yourself - thoughts, emotions, energy - implementing and integrating this genuine training as a lifestyle cornerstone, so that you can be a vessel through which your deepest desires can flow naturally. We are in a BIG integration shift from the 3D Ego states into the 4D transition space where consciousness is becoming more prevalent in our bodies and minds with the 5D state as the next stage of full awakening, thriving as one collective consciousness. This is the prophecy of the Great Awakening, or in some languages Armageddon the final battle of good & evil, or another way to view: coming out of the darkness into the Light which is the Guru, coming into our reality Now!

Kundalini Energy is a powerhouse Lightning Shakti energy that requires authentic training and acuity awareness to hold this energy within our bodies and energy fields. It’s not an instant, sexy, self-gratification, feel-good process either. We do feel results right away, but the true results lie in the value of the experiential journey long term. Yes, I’m referring to commitment. Not the rigid, stark, bleak kind of commitment but rather the joyful, looking forward to your "You Time" Self-Care rituals and routines as non-negotiable Self Elevation opportunities.

Hold yourself accountable in love and full transparency. Curious, childlike with Love as the Law.

Just Be You,

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we Tune In?

Before we begin to practice Kundalini Yoga it’s important to “Tune In”.  We do this with a specific mantra:  Adi Mantra- Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo.  This sound current connects you to the Infinite Flow of Creativity.  It’s also very protective!  You are calling on the Creative Consciousness with Ong Namo and to the subtle Angelic wisdom with Dev Namo.  It manifests a link with Spirituality.   It is an essential state of consciousness for this practice.


What is Kundalini Awakening aka Kundalini Activation?

The Kundalini Energy is your pure creative potential and the link between your finite and infinite selves.  In the Yogic Subtle Anatomy it is referenced as a feminine, creative, evolutionary force of infinite wisdom that when awakened coils upward through the energetic pathways of the Nadis and the Chakras.  During this process of awakening she releases energy that will open up energetic imprints, your mind and patterns of energy that can also contain emotional blocks.  It is a powerful experience that is important to recognize once it happens your life will never be the same as you have begun a divine dance of awakening and connection with the Universal Mind.  It is a pranic energy, a raw life force energy.  Reverence, Devotion with a relaxed self discipline to maintain your body as a clear vessel to hold this energy and utilize it positivity.  with our practice of Kundalini Technology we intentionally use precise “Tantric Yoga Formulas” which consist of  mantra, movement, breath, meditations- with the guidance of a Spiritual Teacher and Mentor who become the space holder and guardian for your awakening energetic experience.